Monday, January 9, 2017

Shedding Some Baggage

So I am a little more than a month into my journey and something unexpected has occurred. People, good friends; family; people I haven't talked to in years and acquaintances, have all encouraged me and seem to be encouraged by my journey. It's really cool. My friend Jen bought me a tomato plant to begin my garden. Some friends from work want to learn to make jewelry with me. Close friends want to go zip lining, snorkeling and more. Today a reading specialist that I only know in passing offered to take MMA classes (which I'm considering doing instead of the dance lessons) with me. It's kind of amazing how this journey is bringing people together. 

Speaking of coming together, my sister-in-law invited me to go backstage in July for a New Kids on the Block concert. It's a middle school dream come true. While I was screaming like a middle school girl that I would finally get to meet Donnie Whalberg to my husband, two emotions swept through me. The first was excitement, because I instantly thought I might be able to check some items off my list but then when I though of the photo opportunity, I became depressed. Meeting Donnie is a moment worth capturing in a photograph and that's what depressed in a photograph. I have gained so much weight and am not so pleased with myself. My husband joked with me and told me to lose the weight creating a funny saying, Do it for Donnie. While that was cute, I just didn't feel motivated. I realized I don't want to lose weight for Donnie, my husband or anyone else. I want to lose weight for myself.

So today I began numbers 33 and 34 on my list. I'm hoping to drop two pants sizes and work out at least three times a week for 90 days straight. I began today eating healthier. It wasn't horrible. I also worked out. That was horrible. First, let me say one of the biggest hurdles, besides time and energy, to working out is changing your clothes. I kept thinking, I'm going to change out of work clothes to work out for 30 mins then shower and put pajamas on. That's a lot of laundry for someone who has limited time to begin with. But I did it and I felt accomplished. I also had an epiphany in the shower after my workout. I realized I am an emotional stress eater and the reason why I am unhappy when I look in the mirror is because I see all the negative emotions and stress piled up on me. I don't want to carry that around. I want to shed all of those negative things, so when I look in the mirror I see me. So I'm posting my before picture, which takes a lot of guts to do, hoping that soon I will be happy to post the next one.

Wish me luck!

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